
by capetowndiva

Never underestimate a good knit…I’m addicted I tell you. I’ve made 3 completely wearable scarves this winter & given one (nervously) as a gift. It was accepted & is even loved by my girlfriend Kenau. My very first scarf seems to have had what appeared to be the makings of a sleeve coming out the one side, I kid you not, but yay to say, not my latest creations though. They have all been quite fabulous! Tips for other ‘Knovice Knitters’ : use good yarn…like baby alpaca, pure soft & lovely (don’t worry, alpacas are not killed for their wool)…avoid the synthetic’ll just make you itch, sneeze & you may break out in a neck and/or chin rash. Not attractive. Oh, and for where to go for wool, kneedles & such, Orion Wool in Oranjezicht is City famous. Roger will assist with a suave smile & heaps of knit-knowledge. Ps, the scarf in the pic is a finely woven alpaca wool, combined with strands of silk ~ feels divine. #mustloveknitting


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