What an exquisite morning in Greyton. As I left the fabulous Lord Pickleby B&B, the first thing I saw was horses, walking slowly down the street….on their own, no riders, stopping here & there to destroy someone’s hedge. Apparently quite the norm, so a local told me when I told …
South Africa
The journey begins, along the N2 road. I felt for a road trip & decided on Greyton. I’ve not been for many years & I have a fabulous friend there called Careena Bernstein. I’ve known her since forever….she has a great zest for life & loves superb ballet & classical …
eish (aysh) – Used to express surprise, wonder, frustration or outrage: “Eish! That cut was eina!”South Africans speak English, but that doesn’t mean you’ll always understand us. Our robots are nothing like R2D2, just now doesn’t mean immediately, and babbelas is not a shampoo. South African English has a flavour …
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