Who knew that there was such a cool wool shop in Cape Town? There it sits in a 50’s style house in Oranjezicht & it’s the only place – called Orion Wool & Crafts – that I know of where you can get your ‘scarf ingredients’ as I call them lovely balls o’ wool etc. In all colours & many different types, this is yourone stop shop for what your knitting needles & crochet hooks want so badly. Roger & Margarida (I stand to correction on the spelling of her name) are the purveyors of fine product & for people like me who can’t seem to find a copy of Knitting for Dummies, they are all too willing to help explain ‘knit one, pearl 1’. Fabulous is all I can say. I make multi trips there as soon as I feel winter is too close for comfort & that my neck needs it’s comforter. Go see for yourself. I met a gal there today who told me about a knitting circle called ‘Stitch & Bitch’. Join? Must! Clicketyclack ladies, clicketyclack * 0214239782, open Tuesday to Saturday – call them for info re the trading hours ~www.orionwool.co.za
Love the design of this house- Orion is on the basement level, through the little gate & down the little steps, into the little shop…. off you go…
Step inside wool lovers…
Roger is there to answer your questions, as basic as they are (trust me)…