A belated Happy Bastille Day mes amis! Where better to celebrate this historical French moment than in Franschhoek, a must- visit village about 75 kms (50 minutes) from Cape Town. Founded in 1688, it’s one of the oldest towns in the Republic & a fave destination of ours. This weekend …
Just outside of Cape Town
Kalk Bay’s working Harbour is a great place to stroll, buy fresh fish straight off the colourful wooden boats, watch seals lolling about in the water (like Robbie pictured below, waiting for hand outs) & take fab IG pics of course. If you take a boat ride outside the Harbour …
Not too far from Riebeeck Kasteel, about 35km’s away, is Tulbagh, named after Cape governor Ryk Tulbagh – it’s a town located in a mountain basin, in an area of the Winelands of the Western Cape. It’s a delightful place, dotted with Dutch gabled houses, creeping bougainvillea & it produces …
There are lovely places to lay your head in Riebeeck Kasteel, an hour away from Cape Town ~ the Old Oak Manor in Church Street is one of them. We were welcomed by Malcolm & his very friendly staff, & checked into the Felix room, a small cosy space. Cafe …
Adventures, adventures, right on our doorstep. ‘Riebeeck-Kasteel (this bit is extracted off Wikipedia) is one of the oldest towns in South Africa, situated 80 km from Cape Town in the Riebeek Valley together with its sister town Riebeek West. During 1661 Commander Jan van Riebeeck (who landed & named the …
“Read a little, you’ll live more curiously…” True story. Kalk Bay Books, on the Main Road, is one of the Mother City’s most iconic book stores. It’s got that olde worlde feeling without being stuffy or pretentious. For me, buying a book there is not just about getting a good …
What an exquisite morning in Greyton. As I left the fabulous Lord Pickleby B&B, the first thing I saw was horses, walking slowly down the street….on their own, no riders, stopping here & there to destroy someone’s hedge. Apparently quite the norm, so a local told me when I told …
To the country…Franschhoek (encore une fois)
A perfect day in Cape Town at 36 degrees….we headed out to the country, all 4 of us. How I love these opportunities to have both our sons with us, Luke & Oscar. They make for delightful company… A new hat…flopsville…I think it makes me looms bit too old :/ …