Taken this evening at Montecasino in Johannesburg, after the press night of Kat and the Kings, an amazing musical created by David Kramer & the late Taliep Petersen. Kramer is a true legend in SA~ google him & see for yourself. www.davidkramer.co.za @DavidKramerSA Posted with Blogsy
Famous People I meet
David Kramer, he with the pork pie hat & veldskoen fame. Coffee today at Cassis Paris (Gardens Centre); talking about Kat and the Kings, the hit show he created with the late Taliep Petersen & which he now directs. I’ll be in Johannesburg this weekend for the Press night for …
Evita spoke at the Open Book Festival last night at the Townhouse about her latest cookbook Bossie Sikelela. Some of her kitsch jewellery, pre transformation. Find out more about The Most Famous White Woman in South Africa on www.evita.co.za Posted with Blogsy
I’m re~posting this because I’m so proud of the moment it happened, 2 weeks ago at the Artscape Theatre….this was me: “Arch, this is the worst part of my job, having to ask you to please pose for a pic at that banner…would you mind?” to which he replied, “not …